The Butterfly Book Club
Our Mission and Purpose
Becoming a Member
Contact Us
Calendar of Events
The Sisterhood Scoop
Record of Book Selections
Record of Book Selections 2


Welcome to our web site!

The Butterfly Book Club is a book discussion group.  We are a growing group that currently consists of eight members.  Our first meeting was held on May 7, 2003 with four members in attendance.  Before the book club was officially developed, two of the members would read books and call each other on the telephone to discuss the book.  After doing this for a period of time, they decided that it would be more interesting to start a book discussion group to include other people in the discussions.
After a few months of having book discussion groups, we decided that we needed a name for our discussion group.  One of the members suggested "The Butterfly Book Club" as the name of our group.  Everyone immediately agreed.  When asked why she came up with the suggested name, she said that like the butterfly, we go through various changes and growth periods throughout our lives.  In addition, just as there are different types of butterflies, each member is different and unique.
Each of our discussion groups are facilitated by a different member and at a different location each month.  The member who selects the book is the facilitator of the book discussion group.  To learn more about us, please feel free to click on the links at the top of the page.  And thank you for visiting our web site!

Afonda Johnson and Mala Robinson

Catch the vision and read, read, read....then discuss it!

If you have any questions about our book club, our members will be more than happy to answer them!

The Butterfly Book Club, 2439 Century Drive, Columbus, OH  43211